CXC CSEC English A exam -Tutorials for exam questions

CXC CSEC English A exam - Tutorials for exam questions

Here we have included links to tutorials on English language. These tutorials are not meant to replace your regular CXC instructor, rather they are meant to supplement any formal instruction you are already receiving.

Skills you must possess

These tutorials also assume that you already know the basics of spelling, grammar and punctuation. They are not intended to teach you basic English language skills. Rather, they are meant to guide you in the techniques of essay construction for CXC exam purposes.

Suggestions for additional study

If you do need help with spelling, grammar, punctuation and the like, we recommend strongly that you begin to work closely with an English teacher or tutor.

Here is an outline of the general format for CXC type essays

The links below are grouped according to the CXC English A topics. This organization allows you to select and view only the links related to the topics in which you are interested.

The CXC CSEC English A exam questions are on:

Summary writing

Reading Comprehension

Short story essay writing

Persuasive (argumentative) essay writing

Descriptive essay writing


sheneilryan (not verified) 8 November 2018 - 5:31pm

I think this might help me in cxc

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