CXC English A short story writing tutorials
CXC English A short story writing tutorials
Here is an overview of what you will learn in this short story tutorial. This tutorial is meant to help you prepare for the CXC English A paper 2 exam.
Here are all the elements that go into making a good short story.
These pages give an excellent explanation of what you need to do to write a good story story.
Here are some sample short story questions for you to practice answering.
what do you mean?
what do you mean you have 43 short stories to do? do you write out your short stories before the exams? How do you do that?
Information is Power
I really like your site it helps to motivate Caribbean student to never give up and with the help of information and share networking it works for all students alike so no one like left out.
So just reading your guides it inspire me to know more and wanting to know more about the Caribbean Examination Council, to get a inside view of what to expect.
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joining the website
i would like to be able to access thi8s website. it will help me to prepare for cxc examination exam. polease help me to acess the best sample essays for english a.
thank you shirley mark
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no access to model cxc answers
For the longest while I have been trying to access the model essays, much to no success. I think these essays are very helpful and I would love to peruse them .
Please tell me what I need to do in order to access these essays. The system does not even recognize my email or password any more.
Verna Davidson
cxc english
how do I know when I have reached 450 words do I count while writing its a bit complicated
you count and add the amount of words in the firts line of the sentence ,then count the amount of line going down.then you multipy the amount of words that is in the sentence by the amount of lines ,
eg:i love u
-----------. thes would be calculated by saying 3multipy by3 lines of sentence.
paramormal activity, adim?
What about paranormal activites in the story where someone thinks they are made but they are not, they are really seeing ghost. Or a mythical creature that someone has to be saved from.?????????????
I am writing back English in
I am writing back English in January because i didn't perform well in that subject .I hope to better in English this time i am also try hard to past it with a 1 or 2 nothing more than that.
English 'A'
i would really like to have some help in this subject area. Especially in writing my stories can you please me cause the time is close already i'm trying my very best but i have no one to guide me to see if i'm going right or wrong. thank you in advance i will be looking forward for your time
ipass math,social
ipass math,social administration i start the course in november 2008 and did the exams in 2009 i wish u guys good luck but a little additional time will help