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Submitted by guest (not verified) on 2 May 2011 - 2:30am

I had my Spanish Oral exam on the 28th April, I know the only area I passed successfully was the comprehension reading part, because when It came to the questions and situations, I completely froze. Do I still stand a chance, in Getting a Grade 2 atleast, in doing the other two papers? Or is it a lost cause?|
Please reply someone. I really need a response ASAP.

Please some one................

Submitted by guest (not verified) on 28 April 2011 - 11:16am

Today I had my Spanish Oral exam, I know the only area I passed successfully was the comprehension part, because when It came to the questions and situations, I completely froze. Do I still stand a chance, in Getting a Grade 2 atleast, in doing the other two papers? Or is it a lost cause?|
Please reply someone. I really need a response ASAP.

Please some one................