CXC CSEC English A: Summary writing: Finding the main idea
CaribExams CXC CSEC English A practice exercises Summary writing: Finding the main idea. |
Here are a list of tutorials and practice exercises to help you improve your skills in "finding the MAIN IDEA". |
1. |
Use this exercise to help you find the main idea. |
2. |
Use this exercise to help you find the supporting ideas in a passage |
3. |
This is another exercise where you have to identify the main idea. |
4. |
This is another exercise where you find the supporting ideas. |
5. |
This movie clip shows a good demostration of the process of finding the main idea (simple) |
6. |
Another movie clip demostrating the process of finding the main idea (intermediate) |
7. |
A third movie clip demostrating the process of finding the main idea (advanced) |
8. | This is a summary writing exercise with reading comprehension questions. |
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