CXC CSEC English A exam - Paper 3 topics (Private Candidates)
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CXC CSEC English A summary writing essay questions and model answers
This wiki book contains CXC CSEC past paper type summary writing essay questions and model answers.
CXC suggests spending no more than 30 minutes to answer the persuasive essay question on Paper 2 of the English A exam. They also suggest 250 - 300 words as the length of the persuasive essay.
CXC suggests spending no more than 30 minutes to answer the persuasive essay question on Paper 2 of the English A exam. They also suggest 250 - 300 words as the length of the persuasive essay.
Persuasive Essay Question: Write an article for your school magazine about three major problems in your school and state how you would solve each one.
CXC suggests spending no more than 30 minutes to answer the persuasive essay question on Paper 2 of the English A exam. They also suggest 250 - 300 words as the length of the persuasive essay.
Persuasive Essay Question: Write an article to the local newspaper expressing your concern about the high rate of traffic accidents in your country. Suggest three measures which would help to reduce this high rate of accidents.