Exam prep

Preparing for exams

Submitted by guest (not verified) on 11 November 2012 - 2:25pm

I am sorry that my essay is late but here it is.


the question was, " Pop music and dance on display in theCaribbean today are corrupting the youth and making them irresponsible".Write an essay giving your views on this statement.

My answer.

Submitted by guest (not verified) on 10 August 2011 - 12:29pm

I just graduated from high school where I studied all the businesses execept for POA and i need a copy of the syllabus to prepare my self for doin the exam nxt year. Can anyone help me.

Submitted by guest (not verified) on 15 July 2011 - 10:26pm

Please check www.scribd.com and search for user Abdullah Zakariyya. You will find lots of useful information on CXC mathematics. I have uploaded many exam papers, answers, practice tests with answers, assignments,...etc.

I am asking all of you to check them because, its very difficult to upload questions here with special characteristics used in mathematics typing.

Hope you all find the materials useful for CXC preparation.

Submitted by guest (not verified) on 9 December 2010 - 1:20pm

I really do hope that this move is a fruitful one,mainly because of the fact that i am not really good at consistency and great at preparation.I would appreciate it much if you all would lend a great deal of support.Success is intended for us all.

Submitted by guest (not verified) on 17 January 2010 - 3:54pm

My heart goes out to Haiti. My heart becomes bitter at times, to see the disgust of perishing bodies surrounding the land. Bodies which were once up and about, going to school, work, home and other destinations.
Each time I watch CNN News Coverage of Haiti, I become more delusional to the buildings I see. Haiti, the once profound and rich nation, now poor of food, water, shelter, and supposedly of loved ones but never poor of faith.

Submitted by guest (not verified) on 8 January 2010 - 5:21pm

It is almost time for cxc about approximately 3 months away.
I am really freaking out because i have not been taught everything. I am also behind on my SBA's it is really hard and frustrating to do them all at once now for a deadline. I recommend to everyone who is reading this who is in four 4 plz donot brush off your SbA's when you reach form 5 and get them start on them right away!!!
Anyway, this is my first time blogging so ahhhh!!!!!! atleast I am letting my frustration out in a constructive way.
Until next time