Just can't seem to fucus

Submitted by guest (not verified) on 28 January 2009 - 6:34pm

I just can't seem to settle down and study my book ever time i want to study something distract me. I try everything but nothing works what can i do, i just hope miracle happen please anyone help god please send along someone


Kathy-ann Daniel 29 January 2009 - 3:25pm

Hi Toney, I agree with your article 100%. I would go even further on the "laws of diminishing returns" and suggest that he not study any subject for more than 10-20 minutes to start. Dwayne T. since you are having such a difficult time studying, you have to try to build up that skill slowly like Toney says.

Do things like the following:

1) Practice reading for 10 minutes a day and writing a short summary of what you read. Writing a summary makes sure that you were actually reading and not zoned out. In addition, you are practicing your summary writing skills.

2) Next, take a break from reading and do math problems or some other "number subject" for another 10 minutes. When you are solving math problems, you are using a different part of your brain.

3) Next, give yourself a break from studying for 10 minutes. Watch TV, chat with someone, get something to eat.

Next day, repeat cycle again. You may want to switch some days by doing math first, then a "reading/writing" subject. Whatever you do, don't study for long hours so that it is painful to you. If you do that, your mind will never want to settle down to study at anytime. Like Toney says, little by little. If you do this regularly, you will find that it becomes easier. Try it and let us know how it works for you.

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