The Allen Prize for Young Writers Writing Competition
Who is eligible?
Residents of Trinidad & Tobago aged 12-19 years, inclusive.
All entries must be original and unpublished works. Entries must be written in English or English-based
All entries must fall within one of the following genres and be within the specified word count *:
• Poetry
• Prose Fiction1
• Creative non-fiction2
• Drama
Participants may submit entries to as many genres as they wish, but only one entry per genre.
1. Prose fiction refers to a short story, chapter of a novel or excerpt from a large body of work such as
a novel or novella.
2. Creative non-fiction is a prose narrative that uses literary techniques and language to describe and
discuss events and circumstances that have really happened (i.e. are not invented). Can include
memoir or biography, social or cultural commentary, reporting on current or historical events, and
essays on people, places, or ideas.
• Junior category entrants must be no younger than 12 and no older than 15 years on the date of the
deadline for submissions.
• Senior category entrants must be no younger than 16 and no older than 19 years on the date of the
deadline for submissions.
The deadline for submitting entries to this competition is Friday 13th January 2012.
For more information on The Allen Prize for Young Writers, please visit their website