Hiya buddies!
I have found a website which I strongly believe will be interesting to you. It is full of persausive writings and an abudance of topic. Please check it out; you would be amazed of what you can learn.
This website address is http://www.idebate.org/debatabase/topic_index.php.
Your online buddy,
CXC short story for 2005
How come you all don't have the CXC best short story for 2005? I seeing the CXC best short story in English for all the years except 2005. why allyuh don't have that?
Re: CXC best short story for 2005
CXC did not give an award to any short story in 2005. Hence there is no CXC best short story for 2005. Hope this helps.
Hey Toney! Great site !
Hey Toney! Great site ! Thanks for telling us about it here. Those of you preparing for CXC English A should take a look at it.