Essay Summary

Submitted by guest (not verified) on 10 November 2012 - 9:59pm

Tattoos are creative body markings which have been around for ages.They are used for different purposes, especially as a form of expressing personality,feelings or ideas.They are unique and once applied to the body,they are permanent.Body markings did not originate from the caribbean.They came in with the slaves and indentured workers.They were also used by the Amerindians to mark highly significant spiritual events and social positions.Over the years ,people who wore body markings were generalized as being 'bad and rebellious,'but in society today,every category and class are wearing tattoos on different parts of their bodies,sending a signal to the world that they are proud ofwho they are.


tburn (not verified) 11 November 2012 - 2:29pm

This was real good. I like the way you write.

Kathy-ann Daniel 12 November 2012 - 12:57pm

Hi Diana,

This is an excellent summary. You shortened the passage while keeping the main points and the sense of the whole passage. I would give this summary a grade 1. You have the correct form for the summary.

If there is one thing I would ask you to be very careful with is using words directly from the passage. Like the words you use, "slaves and indentured workers". CXC English markers do not like to see words from the passage in your summary since they say that it is supposed to be written in your own words.

Apart from that, really, really good! Keep up the good work!

How many practice essays do you write in a week? I guess that question is for everybody in the study...

I would give this summary a grade 1.

june joseph 12 November 2012 - 8:48pm

Well done, Diana! I loved your summary. It was to the point and very easy to understand. Keep on doing the great stuff!

Giad (not verified) 13 November 2012 - 10:20am

This is good. maybe I will try to write an essay this week. It agree with tburn it is very hard from me to write esaays but i will try anyway.

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