CXC CSEC Social Studies exam guide - Section B1: Sustainable Development and Use of Resources

CXC CSEC Social Studies Exam Guide: Section B: Sustainable Development and Use of Resources

CXC CSEC Social Studies Exam Guide

Section B: Sustainable Development and Use of Resources

(1) Development and Use Of Resources


The students should be able to:


Explain and use correctly concepts and terms associated with human and physical resources.

Explanation of terms and concepts:

(a) Concepts related to human
resources: population, birth rate,
death rate, natural increase, life
expectancy, infant
mortality rate, fertility rate,
migration, immigration,
emigration, net migration,
brain dran, urbanization,
depopulation, population density,
population distribution,
dependency ratio,
employment, unemployment,
unemployable, labour force,
sustainable development,
population census, resource,
human resource.

(b) Concepts related to physical
resources: development,
environment, conservation,
energy, renewable resource,
natural resource, non-renewable
resource, infrastructure, food
security, pollution,
conservation, global warming,
greenhouse effect.
Environmental impact and

2. Describe the structure and characteristics of a population;

Major characteristics of a populationaccording to age, sex, occupation, ethnicity, religion, dependency ratio.

3. Explain the factors influencing population distribution;

Factors influencing population distribution:

the relief of the land,


fertile areas,

location of mineral resources,

developed areas,

types of vegetation.

4. Outline factors influencing population change;

Factors influencing population change:

birth rate,

death rate,


5. Outline the sources and uses of population statistics;

Sources of population statistics:

(a) National census, Registrar's office,
Office of Naturalization, records of
religious institutions.

(b) Uses of population statistics: For
planning related to: housing,
healthcare, education,
employment, social welfare,
infrastructural development.

6. Explain the causes and consequences of migration;


(a) Causes:
Push and pull factors that
influence rural- urban, urban-rural
migrationamong Caribbean
countries and migration between
the Caribbean and other parts of
the world;

(b) Consequences of migration to
the individual, the host country
and to the country of origin.


Explain the need for developing human resources;

The need for:

Productive workers, creative and critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


Explain the factors that contribute to the development of human resources;

Development of human resources through:

(a) nutrition and health;

(b) the availability of and access to
primary and curative health care;

(c) education (basic, moral,
vocational, and professional
training, rehabilitation,

(d) the availability and access to
various types of educational

(e) the provision of scholarships;

(e) sports;

(f) culture;

9. Explain the factors the influence employment, unemployment, underemployment;

Factors the influence employment, unemployment, underemployment:

(a) Availability and use of capital

(b) Level and range of skills demanded
verses those available,

(c) Availability and creation of markets,
trading patterns and preferences,

(d) Level of technology available in
relation to resource development

10. Describe the factors to be considered in choosing a job or being self-employed;

Preparation for the world of work:

(a) Choosing a job or self-employment-

making choices, considering
values, needs, interests, ambitions.

(b) Procedural requirements for job
selection and self–employment:

i. Collecting information on jobs,

ii. Listing available options

iii. Assessing available options

iv. Determining consequences of

v. Obtaining resources

(c) rights and responsibilites of workers

11. Identify the location and uses of the major natural resources in the Caribbean region;

(a) Location of major natural resources;

i. Renewable -
agricultural land, water, forests,
beaches, marine life, solar
energy, wind.

ii. Non-renewable - petroleum,
bauxite, gold, diamond, other
minerals, geothermal energy.

(b) Uses of natural resources.


Describe proper and improper prctices related to the sustainable development and use of natural resources adn their effects on the environment and the population;

(a) Proper practices, for example

(b) Effects of proper practices, for
example, food security.

(c) Improper practices, for example,

(d) Effects of improper practices, for
example, pollution, global warming,
food shortages.

13. Represent and interpret data related to human and physical resources.

Data related to human and physical resources: population, migration, employment and unemployment statistics.

Section B (ii): Regional Integration


guest (not verified) 12 February 2014 - 1:55pm

the syllabus is easy and my teacher is a fine teacher and she is almost finish with the syllabus

guest (not verified) 17 May 2014 - 4:10pm

Is it just me, or were Module 1 and Module 3 in paper 2 great...but Module 2 a little tricky...that poem was crazy

Illisha (not verified) 2 December 2015 - 11:22pm

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