English practice exams for CXC English A exam- multiple choice paper 1
Here is a sample of an actual CXC English A paper 1 exam. You can print this exam and keep it so you can get a sense of the kinds of questions that come in the exams.
An English practice multiple choice exam.
You have 15 multiple choice questions to complete. Read the directions at the start of the exam carefully. Get in the habit! You should time yourself according to CXC regulation timning which means that you have 5 minutes to read the passage and 1.50 seconds to answer each question. In total, you should spend no more than 28 minutes to answer all the questions.Time yourself!
A second set of English practice multiple choice exam. The same rules apply as the first one above.
A third set of English practice multiple choice exam. The same rules apply as the first one above.
A fourth set of English practice multiple choice exam. The same rules apply as the first one above.
A fifth set of English practice multiple choice exam. The same rules apply as the first one above.
Here is a set of 10 reading comprehension questions to answer after reading the passage. Again, please read the directions at the beginnning of the exam carefully. (This will give you practice for your real CXC exams. Also Please use your CXC timing to complete the exam 10 minutes to read the passage and 1.50 minutes to answer each question. This means that you must complete the test in 25 minutes. Time yourtself!
A second set of reading comprehension exams to practice on. The same rules as the first one above applies here.
A third set of reading comprehension exams to practice on. The same rules as the first one above applies here.
A fourth set of reading comprehension exams to practice on. The same rules as the first one above applies here.
A fifth set of reading comprehension test items to practice on.
A sixth reading comprehension test. This is a full length reading comprehension test with 4 passages to read and 48 test questions to answer. Using our recommended time allowances,for CXC multiple choice exam, paper 1, you should complete this exercise in 82 minutes or an hour and 22 minutes (You get 10 minutes to read the passages).
Don't forget to click on "score test" when you have finished to see your score on the test
A seventh reading comprehension test. This is a full length reading comprehension test with 4 passages to read and 48 test questions to answer. Using our recommended time allowances,for CXC multiple choice exam, paper 1, you should complete this exercise in 82 minutes or an hour and 22 minutes (You get 10 minutes to read the passages).
Timed reading comprehension exercise - 10 questions.
Another timed reading comprehension exercise - 10 questions.
Same type of timed reading comprehension exercise - 10 questions.
Practice makes perfect so here is another timed reading comprehension exercises 10 questions.
A last timed reading comprehension exercise in this set.
The following are links to more pages with reading comprension and English grammar quizzes
Reading comprehension pages
Reading Comprehension exercises page 2
Reading Comprehension exercises page 3
Reading Comprehension exercises page 4
Reading Comprehension exercises page 5
Reading Comprehension exercises page 6
Reading Comprehension exercises page 7
Reading Comprehension exercises page 8
Reading Comprehension exercises page 9
Reading Comprehension exercises page 10
English grammar pages
English grammar exercises page 1
English grammar exercises page 2
English grammar exercises page 3
English grammar exercises page 4
interesting site
This is quite an interesting site. I am really impressed with the amount of help received on this site. Thanks much.
Re: interesting site
I am glad we are able to help. Hope you pass your exams. Good luck!
P.S. we keep adding new stuff all the time so keep checking back with us...
CXC CSEC results for the January exams
The results for the CXC CSEC January exams are usually released around the end of the first week in March.
So you should start looking for the January exam results this year around the 7th March 2011.
This is a fabulous site! At last I have found multiple choice exercises for Paper 1!