CXC English A exam: Past paper type persuasive essay questions 2
Here are more CXC CSEC past paper type persuasive essay questions. These are the types of persuasive essay questions that have been on NB: CXC suggests spending no more than 30 minutes to answer the persuasive essay question on Paper 2 of the English A exam. They also suggest 250 - 300 words as the length of the persuasive essay. |
6. | In many households today, both parents go out to work. What do you consider to be the major advantages and disadvantages of this practice? |
7. |
A local firm is offering to help a student prepare for a career of his or her choice. |
8. |
Write an article for your local newspaper entitled: "Winning isn't everything; it's how you play the game." |
9. |
Write an article for your school magazine presenting strong arguments EITHER for OR against the view that parents should be the ones to decide which career their children should choose. |
10. |
A big international hotel chain has made a proposal to establish one of its hotels in your country. It wants to bring in its own food supplies. Write a letter to the Press objecting to this proposal. |
11. | Write an article for a school magazine in which you present strong arguments either for or against the topic: "Television does more harm than good." |
12. |
Many young people today are quick to leave home and start life on their own. You are a young person who does not agree with this. Write a letter for the Youth Magazine of your community arguing against this practice. |
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English A
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