CXC math exam marking scheme
Marking scheme for CXC CSEC general proficiency math exam This exam is made up of two papers: paper 1 and paper 2 There are 60 questions on this paper. Each question is worth 1 mark. All the questions are compulsory (you must answer all the questions). The total number of marks possible for this paper is 60 marks.The marks you make on this paper contributes 33.3% to the final overall grade you make for the math exam.
This paper has two (2) sections.
Section one is worth 90 marks - you have to answer 8 compulsory problem-solving questions.
Section two is worth 30 marks - you have to choose two questions to answer out of 6 problem-solving questions. Each question is worth 15 marks.
The total number of marks possible for this paper is 120 marks. The following two tables show how marks are awarded for the questions on the CXC CSEC math exam.
* Note that 10 of of the 70 questions that you must complete for the exam receives 66.6% of the marks. These 10 questions are on paper two (2) of the exam, therefore, you will need to score well on this paper in order to pass the exam.
This is not the updated mark scheme because the SBA percentage is not shown. Please show the correct version.