CXC CSEC English A exam: Past paper type descriptive essay questions 2



Here are CXC CSEC English A past paper type descriptive essay questions.

Here are the directions that are normally placed at the start of section three, the short story/descriptive essay writing section:


(Suggested time: 45 minutes)

Answer one question in this section.

Your answer in this section should be approximately 400 to 450 words in length.

You MUST write in Standard English. However, dialect may be used in conversation.



As the astronauts landed they saw before them an unimaginable sight.

Describe what the astronauts saw.

(35 marks)



Tamara fell off to sleep witht he events of the day still fresh in her mind. She slipped quickly into dreamland.

Describe Tamara's dream.

(35 marks)



Today was the day that we were going to play against BV High School. This would decide once and for all who was the better team.

Describe the scene just before the match started including the attitudes of both teams and those of the spectators.

(35 marks)



When the sun came up they came slowly out of the cave. The walls of rock to the right and the left were not high but they focussed their eyes straight ahead first.

Describe what they saw.

(35 marks)



We set out on the hike to Cassareep and we did not bargain for the terrible weather.

Describe the places along the route and the ways in which the weather affected the hike.

(35 marks)



Do you have any more CXC English A descriptive essay questions?




guest (not verified) 25 March 2018 - 1:28pm

Nice work

guest (not verified) 9 April 2018 - 3:11pm

Hello. I'd like the CXC past paper with a comprehension about Socotra island.

ashanti (not verified) 27 July 2020 - 5:06pm

its helpful

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