I am really glad that you like the CXC exam study group that we are trying to create here. Our goal is to help all CXC CSEC students pass their math and English A exams. We know that there are many students may not be able to pay for online lessons or exam help even though they would like it. So we provide a place for CXC students to help each other.
This is our mission: to promote cooperation and collaboration among CXC students so that you can help and support each other to pass your exams. As we always say, this is your space, use it!
Glad you like it Toney!
Hey Toney,
I am really glad that you like the CXC exam study group that we are trying to create here. Our goal is to help all CXC CSEC students pass their math and English A exams. We know that there are many students may not be able to pay for online lessons or exam help even though they would like it. So we provide a place for CXC students to help each other.
This is our mission: to promote cooperation and collaboration among CXC students so that you can help and support each other to pass your exams. As we always say, this is your space, use it!