CXC Integrated Science exam guide: Section B: Safety hazards

CXC Integrated Science exam guide: Safety hazards

CXC Integrated Science Exam Guide

Section B-The Home/Workplace

General objectives of the section:

Candidates should demonstrate an understanding of:


the soil and the sea as two most important outdoor working environments in the Caribbean and that they are both natural resources as well as ecosystems


the relationship between humans and the environment in which they work


the need for appropriate physical conditions such as ventilation and sanitation in the home and the workplace

the inter-conversion and conservation of the different forms of energy;

the occurrence of accidents and hazardous situations and safety measures used in their prevention.


Specific Objectives

Students should be able to:

Explanatory notes
Suggested Practical Activities

1. Discuss safety in the home and workplace;

Types of accidents, causes and precautions;

accidents that are likely to result from negligence in the use of household appliances for example, overheating of electric iron, delay in lighting gas cookers, which can result in explosion;

possible hazards that can occur in any working environment such as food contamination, fires, toxic gases, corrosive substances, infection by pathogens, excessive noise, electrical shock;

methods used to prevent food contamination, possible hazards; maintenance of household services in good order; adequate lighting; types of disabilities that can occur due to accidents and improper lighting; laboratory rules

Demonstrate the correct use of the Benson burner;

Visit Industrial arts workshops, Home Economics and Crafts section of the school;

Collect, identify and display examples of safety symbols, hazard signs.

2. Evaluate first aid methods for treating accidents;

Electrical shock, burns and principles of mouth to mouth resuscitation.

Demonstrate the use of bandage for sprained joints e.g. knee and ankle.

3. Discuss the various methods used in extinguishing fires;

Factors necessary to handle fire and relate to fire prevention and fire fighting techniques;

electrical, chemical and bush fires.

Visit to fire department or invite fire personnel for guest lecture.

4. Discuss the toxic effects of exhaust gases

Affinity of carbon monoxide to hemoglobin of the red blood cells.

5. Describe the effects of corrosive substances on the environment;

Identify effective precautions against common corrosive substances and irritants;

6. Evaluate conventional protective wear recommended for various jobs. Gloves, goggles, helmets, chest masks.
Go to Section B: Unit V: ELECTRICITY


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sheresa (not verified) 24 November 2014 - 8:44pm

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