The student should be able to:
1. |
Explain the concept of a database;
Definition of database: repository of information;
collection of tables that are related to each other.
2. |
Use terminology commonly associated with a database;
Database terminology: table (relation), entity, tuple, attribute,
primary key, secondary key, composite key, candidate key,
alternate key, foreign key.
3. |
Distinguish among terminology associated with files and databases;
Row (tuple, record), column (attribute, field), key.
Data types: alphanumeric; numeric; data; logical.
4. |
outline the advantages and limitations of databases;
Comparison with files with regards to: Speed;
Ad hoc queries;
present multiple views of the same data.
5. |
Create a database;
Table structure with at least three data types and populate with at least twenty-five records.
Use of wizard is prohibited.
6. |
Modify a table structure;
Adding new fields, deleting fields, changing field definitions.
sort a database;
Arranging data in numeric, alphabetic; or alphanumeric
Report generating facilities of the database package, including use of sorting, grouping statistical and
summary features, for example, count, sum and average.
8. |
Establish relationships;
Use of joins, merge tables/files. |
9. |
Qery a database using multiple search conditions;
Using more than one criterion; use of select, calculated fields.
10. |
Determine the results of a search on a database given multiple conditions;
Two or more fields involving the use of relational and logical operators.
11. |
Generate reports to the screen, printer and files.
Report generating facilities of the database package, including
use of sorting, grouping, statistical and summary features, for
example, count, sum and average.
Information Technology
Just Revising For IT which is on the 12th of MAY.
I Look for any help necessary to pass my exams. =]