Summary Essay

Submitted by june joseph on 6 November 2012 - 9:35pm

Tattoos and body markings have been around for ever. Once you received one, you were permanently branded and this sent out a distinct statement to viewers. Our ancestors used them for different reasons such as historical remembrance or social position. As time went by the originals have changed from cultural to individuality, often bearing towards negativity. Presently, a new positive conception of tattoos have been formed and has brought society together allowing them to make new statements through their different unique variations worn everyday on different body parts!


Kathy-ann Daniel 7 November 2012 - 12:47pm

Hello June,
This is an excellent summary. I would give you full marks for this.

1) The first thing I checked was if you were within the word limit, and you were. Your summary had 88 words, this is less than the 120 words that was the word limit for the summary. Excellent.


2) Then I looked at the content of your summary, that was also well done.

you took the first paragraph:

" Since the beginning of civilization, they have served as marks of identification, spiritual protection and decoration. Now at the cusp of another millennium, tattoos and other varieties of body markings are resurfacing as a popular form of individual self expression."

And found the main idea which you wrote:
Tattoos and body markings have been around for ever.



You took the second paragraph:

"Tattoos are timeless and can be unique as the bearers they adorn, They don't fade away like favourite t-shirts, or get lost or broken like school rings. They stay with you forever, until death. They become a part of you from the day you sit in the artist's chair, etching your emotions alongside the needle's sting, transforming an instant of your life into a symbol for the world to see.

And found the main idea which you wrote:

Once you received one, you were permanently branded and this sent out a distinct statement to viewers.



You took the third paragraph:

"Tattoos and other body markings arrived in the Caribbean with African slaves and indentured workers from China and India. They were sometimes the only permanent keepsakes of peoples snatched from their ancestral places. The Caribbean's original Amerindian inhabitants also used tattoos to mark spiritual milestones. The Taino of the northern Caribbean Islands, for instance, used vegetable dyes to affix images of their guardians onto their skin. These images also indicated an individual's lineage, or his or her social position. Each tattoo was both a personal history book and a mark of belonging.

And found the main idea which you wrote:

Our ancestors used them for different reasons such as historical remembrance or social position.



You took the fourth paragraph:

Over the centuries, however, tattoos and other forms of bodily adornment have mutated, exchanging religious and cultural significance for individualist associations. Sometimes that mark of individuality has been confused with rebellion and non-conformity, often alluding to a stain of bad character. Tattoo-wearers have seem wild, dangerous, even just plain bad.

And found the main idea which you wrote:

As time went by the originals have changed from cultural to individuality, often bearing towards negativity.



You took the fifth paragraph:

But today, tattoos have come full circle. Celebrities, writers, lawyers, housewives, all proudly display their marks of rebellion. An entirely new perception of the art of tattooing has arisen, which is more than just a preoccupation with style. This re-discovered form of expression has spawned an entire sub-culture of individuals among us. They carry this common bond of distinction through their daily routines. Via the images on their forearms, shoulders, ankles, or torsos, they connect to each other, announcing to the it is OK to be unique and different.

And found the main idea which you wrote:

Presently, a new positive conception of tattoos have been formed, and has brought society together allowing them to make new statements through their different unique variations worn everyday on different body parts!



So your summary is correct in terms of keeping the meaning of the passage and also you kept within the word limit.
I would give this the 30 marks.

Kathy-ann Daniel 7 November 2012 - 1:12pm

I encourage other members to comment on June's summary essay. Did you think it was good? Was it too short or too long? What would you change if you were the person writing it?

Do you have any questions for June on how she went about writing the summary?

is there anything you would like to know?

Comment or ask...

Hello June,

DavidC wants to know how you knew what to keep in teh summary and what to change or drop out.

Can you give him an idea of what you did in your head to make it work?



Hi DavidC, I just followed the tips they posted here on writing a good summary. It is r relatively really easy. I was just asking myself the questions as I went along. What are the important parts of each paragraph? (Called the main idea)Then, I put them together with the transition words and phrases. It's really like telling your friend about a book or movie you saw that he/she didn't. Would you want to bore them to death by telling them everything word for word? I guess not. You must try it sometime. I'm guessing u haven't?


june joseph 7 November 2012 - 6:16pm

Hi, Kathy, thank you sooooo much for replying promptly. I am really trying to get the hang of things here. I know it is hard work but when I get reviews like this, it is all worth the time and effort. I hope it is o.k. for me to go ahead and try to write another form of essay, since the week isn't up yet. Tell me what u think. Here goes...

Proud learner


Hi June,

Sure please go ahead and write another essay. There is no limit to how many you can write in a week. I just said one essay as the minimum number that anyone should write, if you want to write more or all, that is fine with me. I will review them all and comment with suggestions for all.

I also encourage other group members to choose and write an essay before the week is finished.

caribblue49 (not verified) 8 November 2012 - 11:37am

June this is very very good! congragulations! i am sure you are going to pass your english exam. wish i could wrie summeries like that!

Thanks Caribblue49! I am definitely aiming to pass with flying colors! Anyway practice makes perfect! Just keep trying. Nothing beats trial but success!

tburn (not verified) 11 November 2012 - 2:33pm

This was a very good summary that June wrote. Top class. June, I think you will pass your English exam with flying colours.

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