CXC Integrated Science exam guide: Section A: Circulation

CXC Integrated Science exam guide: Circulation

CXC Integrated Science Exam Guide

Section A-The Organism

General objectives of the section:

Candidates should demonstrate an understanding of:


The interdependence of life processes;


The relationship between an organism and its environment;  

The relationship between structure and function of an organism;

Unit III: Circulation

Specific Objectives

Students should be able to:

Explanatory notes
Suggested Practical Activities

1. Explain the movement of substances in organisms

Diffusion and osmosis.

Experiments on diffusion and osmosis.

2. Discuss the need for transport systems within a living organism

Circulatory system: necessity, SA/ volume ratio; movement in plants-transpiration, movement of nutrients, structure of stem.

*Experiments on diffusion with agar cubes of different sizes to show how surface/ volume ratio affects total diffusion. Use osmosis apparatus to demonstrate the passage of water across a semi-permeable membrane.

3. Discuss the structure and functions of the circulatory system in man

Circulatory system: features of, cells and their functions; vessels, heart-structure and heart beat; names of major vessels associated with heart only.

4. Define blood groups A, B, AB an O

Blood groups; antigen and antibody for each group, precaution in transfusion and handling; include spread of HIV; Rh factor-risk in pregnancy, precautions.

5. Discuss possible causes of hypertension and heart attacks.

Information gathering from clinics, hospitals and doctors.

Go to Section A: unit IV: Respiration


guest (not verified) 27 November 2011 - 5:27pm

this is not helpful i will need a sample multiple choice for science

guest (not verified) 28 November 2011 - 2:57pm

maths is giving me a very difficult time

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