Notes to the CXC CSEC January 2012 exam timetable


The time indicated on the timetable includes Reading Time.


Starting times for all centres within a territory are 09:00 hr (9.00am) for the morning session and 13:00 hr (1.00pm) for the afternoon session.

If, at any centre, the number of candidates is greater than that which can be accommodated in one session, the Local Registrar may arrange to administer the examination in two or more sessions, ensuring that suitable arrangements are made to preserve the integrity of the examinations.


In each territory, the Spanish Oral Examination (Paper 3) will be conducted during the period 28 and 29 December 2011 in accordance with the Local Registrar's schedule.


Attention is drawn to the rule that silent non-programmable scientific calculators may be used in the following examinations:

(i) Chemistry

(ii) Mathematics - Paper 2 only

(iii) Physics

(iv) Principles of Accounts

(v) Principles of Business – Paper 3/2 only


Information Technology Papers 2 and 3/2 (General) are not practical examinations – no computer workstations will be required. The Paper 1 will be offered in the Multiple Choice format..


Alternatives to SBA in Social Studies (Paper 3/2), Principles of Accounts (Paper 3/2), Principles of Business (Paper 3/2), Office Administration (Paper 3/2), Biology (Paper 3/2),
Chemistry (Paper 3/2), Physics (Paper 3/2), and Information Technology (Paper 3/2) must be written by private/non-school candidates who fall into any of the following categories:

(i) sitting for the first time;

(ii) repeating the examination and did not obtain 50% or more of the total moderated marks in the SBA component of the relevant aforementioned subject(s) in the previous year (May-June 2011); and

(iii) sat in a year not immediately preceding the current year (i.e. May-June 2010 or before).


A 15-minute break is allowed between the following papers:

(i) 1 and 3/2 Biology

(ii) 1 and 3/2 Chemistry

(iii) 1 and 3/2 Information Technology

(iv) 1 and 3/2 Office Administration

(v) 1 and 3/2 Physics

(vi) 1 and 3/2 Principles of Accounts

(vii) 1 and 3/2 Principles of Business

(viii) 1 and 3/2 Social Studies

16 September 2011

The CXC CSEC January 2012 exam timetable

The CXC CSEC January 2012 exam timetable key


Quacy (not verified) 25 November 2011 - 12:00pm

need a crash course in maths plz

hi i signed up for a resit in january 2012 exams for chemistry and physics an i see on my timetable the dates for all three papers do i have two write all three papers for chemistry and physics

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