Reading comprehension practice exams 5 -- preparation for CXC English multiple choice questions
Here are still more online reading comprehension quizzes to help you prepare for CXC English A paper 1. These questions are marked immediately. So don't forget to click 'submit' to find out how you did on the quizzes.
Don't forget to time yourself while you do the quiz questions. According to our time management exam guide for the CXC English A exam paper 1, you will need to give yourself 1.5 minutes to answer each question. Since each of these quizzes has 10 questions, that means that you will need to give yourself 15 minutes to complete each test. You can use the clock on the computer tool bar to time yourself.
It is also a good idea to keep track of how many questions you get right on each test to see if you are improving on your time and/or your skill at answering the questions.
Reading comprehension quiz 62
Reading comprehension quiz 63
Reading comprehension quiz 64
Reading comprehension quiz 65
Reading comprehension quiz 66
Reading comprehension quiz 67
Reading comprehension quiz 68
Reading comprehension quiz 69
Reading comprehension quiz 70
Reading comprehension quiz 71
Reading comprehension quiz 72
Reading comprehension quiz 73
Reading comprehension quiz 74
Reading comprehension quiz 75
Reading comprehension quiz 76
Reading comprehension quiz 77
Reading comprehension quiz 78
Reading comprehension quiz 79
Reading comprehension quiz 80