CXC Integrated Science exam guide: Section B: The Terrestrial Environment

CXC Integrated Science exam guide: The Terrestrial Environment

CXC Integrated Science Exam Guide

Section B-The Home/Workplace

General objectives of the section:

Candidates should demonstrate an understanding of:


the soil and the sea as two most important outdoor working environments in the Caribbean and that they are both natural resources as well as ecosystems


the relationship between humans and the environment in which they work


the need for appropriate physical conditions such as ventilation and sanitation in the home and the workplace

the inter-conversion and conservation of the different forms of energy;

the occurrence of accidents and hazardous situations and safety measures used in their prevention.


Specific Objectives

Students should be able to:

Explanatory notes
Suggested Practical Activities


*discuss the origin of soils and categorize factors which influence soil formation;

Physical and chemical weather and biological action;


Discuss the character and  functions of soils;

Sand, loam and clay; sedimentation method;


Compare the  different types of soils;

Water holding capacity, drainage, air content

Quantitative work with humus. Demonstrate their physical properties.


Relate soil fertility to the physical and chemical properties of soil;

Make inferences about plant growth after making soil tests


Identify causes of soil erosion and methods or prevention;

Evaluation of the soil as an important natural resource

Field trips

6 Compare and contrast farming methods; Determination of which methods will result in maximum crop yields with the minimum depletion in soil nutrients Visits to nearby farms; study of common agricultural practices needed to maintain crop growth; need for conservation
7 Discuss food chains and food webs found in an environment; Draw simple food chains and food webs
8 Describe the oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and water cycles. Producer, consumers( first and second order) decomposers, habitat, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, population, community, ecosystem; the role of nitrogen-fixing and denitrifying bacteria in soi.l Observe plants and animals in a nearby area or the school grounds and classify them as producers, consumers, decomposers, herbivores, carnivores.

Go to Section C: RECREATION


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